Many people assume if they receive a lot of rainfall, they don't need sprinklers or other irrigation systems. However, there's more to watering your lawns, gardens, and other landscape features. It's not just the amount of water they receive; there are several other factors at play. Here's why an irrigation system can still help you out.

Does Frequent Rain Make a Sprinkler System Redundant?

Always keep in mind you have no control over the rain. The same amount of rain will not fall each time. The length of time it rains will not remain consistent. And you never know when a brief rain drought will occur. It can happen in even the wettest locations from time to time.

Depending on what you need to water, it's possible even a single day or two can wreak havoc on your plant life. An irrigation system can fill in the blanks between rainfall.

Many types of plant life require regular, systematic watering. Relying on a random system of rainfall to keep them watered can keep your plant life from flourishing as it should.

Did You Know Your Soil Also Plays a Role?

Sometimes, it doesn't even matter if you see lots of rainfall through the year. Other factors can come into play that dictate how your plants receive water. The type of soil you have can determine if your plant life is even receiving the amount of water it should.

Soil percolation – This determines how quickly and efficiently rainwater moves through your soil and into the aquifer below.

Soil water retention – This determines how much water your soil can hold. If your soil cannot hold onto water, then your plant life will not receive the steady amount of water it needs, no matter how much rain you have.

Your soil may simply not have the capacity to process rainwater to the benefit of your lawn or garden. By contrast, using an irrigation system can help your plants make the most of the water they receive. It can supplement the rainwater, and help to keep the soil saturated.

Won't an Irrigation System and Rain Overwater the Plant Life?

An irrigation system with a rain or soil sensor will not overwater your lawn and plants. In fact, a sensor will help by measuring the saturation levels, and turn on the irrigation system or not, depending on the readings.

There's a lot of benefit to having a sprinkler system in areas with high levels of rainfall. These systems come in all types of different configurations. Make sure to speak to a professional irrigation systems dealer about your specific needs.
